Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I wish I may, I wish I might...

Did anyone catch the latest meteor showers this past weekend? Brenna and I went out Saturday to see if we could see any falling stars. We saw three good ones...the kind with glowing tails...and a flash of light. Pretty cool...every time I see one I feel like a little kid...I get so excited. Clouds began moving in so we decided to go back to bed and get up between 3 and 5 am...which we had read somewhere was going to be the best time to watch. The first time I went was cloudy... so I went.back to bed and woke up an hour later...CLEAR skies! I woke Brenna up and we pulled up the lounge chair and a cushion...we laid back and watched the sky. We ended up seeing about 12-13 that hour...then the clouds came back...and we went back to bed. It was good fun...none of the ones we saw in the early morning were very big tail shooting across the sky...but it's still fun to look and look and then all of the sudden see something drop or shoot like the one pictured above (from the internet) was worth the missed sleep!

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