Monday, June 4, 2012

A slow week

Last week was kind of slow...not much going on. We had a couple of rainy days and it limited outdoor activities...although the sunsets were kind of nice. Monday was a holiday and Tuesday I was off so you would think it would be a nice short ended up being a strange week. Wednesday I had a dreaded 6 hour day...hoildays are equal to 4 we have to make up the extra hr somewhere. I always suggest just letting me use an hour of leave...but so far they haven't taken me up on the offer...hahaha Anyway...I reminded myself that I had had a nice extra long weekend...and it wasn't as bad as it could've been...but by the time you get to hour #6...with no breaks...I don't think I'm at my best. I'm hungry, my feet are tired...and I'm just ready to get out of there. It was a strange day too...strange people, strange issues...and (luckily) things that you don't have to deal with all the time. (I'm not alone in the way I feel about the 6 hr days...we all hate them...but what are you going to do )Wednesday the therapy dogs were visiting. There weren't as many kids as usual (first week of summer break) but it was hectic...and by the end of the last hour I just wanted everyone to go home! hahaha Dogs, owners, kids, moms and babies...aggggghhhh. When I got home it took me about 1/2 hour to relax! Brenna had made us a delicious dinner...and I was kind of grouchy at I felt bad. Here she was doing us a favor....and I was worried about cleaning up the sink...I did apologize to her...and after a short bike ride and that good dinner I was ok. Friday we had a couple of patrons who just would NOT leave. We announced at 10 till, then 5 till...then finally said "We are closed" Only then did they shut off their computers and start packing up. The woman packed up, then of course had to use the restroom...the guy finally finished up at 10 after...then stopped in the lobby to text someone/something...while I waited at the lock up. What a JERK!!!!!! But there wasn't really anything I could say/do...except try to keep myself from saying what I felt like saying...hahah. He's lucky HE didn't decide to proceed to the restroom...hahah He never even said thank you, good night...nothing. Saturday and Sunday were nice...and relaxing. I got some cleaning up done and watched some shows I've been I recovered..haha Hope this week is better. Our summer programs start we will have happy kids around for the next two months...I look forward to that! ***If anyone looked at this saw my goof on the strike out mode...I was in a hurry...didn't see it...haha After I wrote this I was eating lunch, getting ready for work...when Haze decided to lick the tuna can I had just opened. I left the room for a minute and heard a clanking sound...came in and he had the can...he also had a cut on his tongue....I saw blood...but couldn't figure out where exactly he was bleeding. This is as I am getting ready to go out the door.....greeeeeaaat. Finally decided it didn't look terrible...gave him a frozen bottle of water to lick if it hurt and left for work...hoping for the best. Fortunately...he was fine...and I was only about 2 minutes late for work. I thought I was organized and all together....I guess maybe I wasn't after all...hahah in more ways than one!

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