Thursday, June 7, 2012

Here's to Mondays!

It's been cloudy and rainy everyday this week.....and while we need the rain....I'm starting to get tired of it! It's making me very tired. Most of the days I've managed to get a bike ride or walk in at some point...but today...once I got off from was too wet. Looks like it's going to get better this weekend....I hope so.
Monday we got a call from some friends inviting us to a cookout. They had caught a lot of fish the day before and they were cleaning it and cooking some up. Fresh fish...why yes...we would be happy to go...hahah

And I am so glad we did. They had smoked fish, smoked king fish dip and crackers, homemade clam chowder, baked fish, baked fish with a broiled cheese and sun dried tomato topping...(my favorite), seared whaoo and more. Then for dessert they had a homemade blueberry pie and other desserts that guests (including me) had brought. We ate, and ate and everything was sooooo good it was hard to stop. When we were all sampling the guy looked around and said..."Here's to Monday! This is great!" and everyone there agreed. It was a treat! Now onto random subjects....there are a bunch of these trees in the neighborhood and they are all in full bloom. I don't even know what kind of tree it is...but they grow pretty fast...and they sure are pretty. Even with this not so perfect can see all the flowers....nice to look at when I'm walking or riding by each day. As I mentioned...our summer programs have started...and today was my first Storytime program. Dream Big is the we have lots of bedtime related themes planned. Today the theme was pajamas.....I had a variety of titles ready...because I never really know who/what to expect in the summer...some school aged I don't want to make it the stories too simple...but..then again I might get a bunch of little kids. Today I had more of an "older" group...but they were great. I read Animals Don't Wear Pajamas, a cute book with interesting facts about various animals and how they go to sleep. Next up was The Baby BeeBee Bird that I think I've mentioned before on the blog...a cute story about a little bird in the zoo...who sings all day long, keeping all of the other animals awake. It's a great book to read out loud...lots of growling, groaning,beebeebeebeee bobbi bobbing etc...and it was a perfect pick....all ages seemed to like it.we did a couple of songs and made a cute craft. A mobile of the Man in the Moon with some hanging stars and lots of glitter! I think it's going to be a fun summer. We have lots of cute crafts planned and I had a nice group of kids, in addition to some of my "regulars", so I think we are going to have a good time.

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