Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

It's another Memorial Day I'm enjoying my day off and trying to remember the meaning of this day...thanks to all those who have served and sacrificed their time or their lives to preserve our freedom(s). It can be easy to forget that while this day for me is a paid holiday, time to relax, for many it is a sad reminder of loved ones that have been lost.
For brings me back to the parades in Bethel Park...hotdogs, unlimited soda...and a celebration. This was before Viet Nam, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan...............
and while I know some who have served...I am among those lucky not to have lost anyone in any of these wars.(....and I pray I never do)
There are things about this government I don't really like...but I also realize that I can voice my opinions without fear; and everything else...if you evaluate what's good vs what's bad.....I thing we are doing pretty well.

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