Friday, May 25, 2012


Saturday was the graduation program for Elizabeth's school/department..(.whatever)...where each individual name was announced and graduates received their degrees. Sunday was the University commencement. There were the usual speeches, honorary degrees, etc and then the featured speaker was Brian Williams.... of" NBC Nightly News"(who also received an honorary degree.)
Megan and I went downtown to see the ceremony. We met up with Ryan and Sarah...a friend of Elizabeth's. Originally they met and became friends in Virginia Beach, Sarah's family relocated to DC she surprised Elizabeth and came to the graduation. Megan and Marcus were taking John to the Nationals vs Orioles game Sunday she had to leave early. Unfortunately for her...she basically got to see all the graduates file in...(35 minutes or so...) and then she had to leave. least she got me to the program. hahaha
She plays softball with the Embry-Riddle alumni group...they play at fields down by the she knew just where to park. It was beautiful down by the Tidal Basin. From there we walked along the waterfront and then up to the National Mall.
Megan and a very happy Aunt Elizabeth
we took turns taking pictures...hahaha
Sarah, Liz and I
Liz and Ryan...I think we just about wore Ryan out...making him take picutres with us/ of us...haha. But he was a good sport, as usual.
What a great spot for a college graduation commencement! Luckily it was a beautiful, a little hot day...since the ceremony was scheduled...rain or shine. We were happy it was shine for us...hahah
Brian Williams was a great speaker (naturally, since that's what he does for a living.) He was funny, but he also had a good message. We were pleased that much of his speech had to do with NASA and the Space Program...all we've gotten from it and what we should be doing as we move forward. I believe one of his messages was "I don't care what you do, but do GOOD....and get along!" He didn't come right out and say it...but the implication was that the folks on the hill aren't doing such a good job of that right now...I don't know if his speech is on You Tube somewhere...but it's worth a listen if it is. After the ceremony and pictures...Ryan , Elizabeth and I walked back to their hotel...about a mile or so away.
It's so cool walking past the buildings, the statues...I love all the history.
More flowers...they were everywhere.
And it was fun to walk past Pennsylvania Ave.....knowing the president lives right down the road a ways. ....After the graduation we headed to the art show...while John, Marcus and Megan went to the game. They had nice box seats near home plate and had a blast watching the Nationals win. They all reported that new stadium is great and they were right there when Strasburg hit his first ever home run in the major leagues. The Nationals beat the Orioles so that was a plus....they enjoyed the afternoon.

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