Thursday, May 24, 2012

Saturday party for Elizabeth (and more from the Art Show)

Saturday night we had a cookout at Rob and Shane's house. John grilled some fresh grouper that he had brought up; and we also had steak and chicken. The fish was gone first...haha
Shane had spent the day with a friend, he and his mother joined us for the party.
Rob in the kitchen...I had to crop John out of the picture...he had an expression that made it look like he had seen a ghost or something...hahah
This was an "Art Cart" at the art show...the computer seems to want to put the pictures in what the &*^%...I'll just go with the flow. haha
We decided to check out this place for lunch.
Paul was sound asleep...with his hearing off he did not hear anything...we were joking that he looked like a mannequin...he did not move at all...if anyone happened to stop to talk to him...he wouldn't even have known it.
more activity around the booth
Flash back to the party...Liz was so excited! We were just getting started.
Megan, Marcus, his parents and Liz.
Ryan, John, Bridget and Liz. Paul and David showed up after they shut the booth down. David also invited a couple of the came...Bruce. He had some amazing photography...he did well in the show. Sunday Megan and I planned to head to the graduation..(since Sunday's program started at 9:30am) John was going to a National's game with Megan and Marcus...turns out that Marcus's parents were going to the game and so were Shane and his friend Taylor. Rob was taking it easy....and everyone else was going back to the show.

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