Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A weekend in Northern Virginia

We got back yesterday from a long weekend up in Northern Virginia. Originally we planned to go up when Elizabeth earned her Master's Degree, since the graduation happened to be in the DC area...we could also visit Rob and Shane and Megan and Marcus. Then it just so happened that it coincided with the Reston Art show that David was going to be thing you know David, Bridget and Paul would also be it was a plan!
We stayed at Rob and Shane's of course. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely beautiful on Saturday and Sunday. Lows around 68, highs around 80 and everything was green, blue skies, a slight breeze and there were all kinds of flowers in bloom...ahhhhhh I loved it.
Started snapping pictures around the house and in the back yard while I listened to all the birds enjoying the day as much as I was. haha
The trees were getting bigger...the one we planted for Jen was coming along. The deck looks great...Rob got new cushions
and they reminded me so much of Jen! It's funny...he has been making updates and re decorating the last few years... to be honest some things I don't know what Jen would think...but these chairs were all Jen!
The graduation started at 8:00am on Saturday...and I love my sister...but that was too early for me. We missed Jon and Meredith who had to head back to Virginia Beach right away...but Liz and Ryan joined us later in the afternoon. Megan and I headed down to Reston to the art show while John and Rob went shopping for a cookout later Saturday evening.
Ironically the posters and sign for the art show featured an artist from Indialantic Florida! Mike Nemnich.(sp?)
Megan brought Rufus. He's adorable...and he knows his way around Reston Town Center...because Marcus's parents happen to live there. It's very "dog friendly" Every store I went into had a jar of dog biscuits for any 4 legged visitors. It was fun to see dogs of all shapes and sizes.
A view of David's booth from across the street.It's always fun to people watch! One woman bought 24 (!) pieces!
Liz arrived and checked in with David before we headed off to lunch.
Uncle Paul and Ryan
Marcus, Ryan and Megan. Oh..I almost forgot...Marcus worked Friday night when we when our plane passed his site...we got a shout out from the flight deck. The captain came on the loud speaker and said the flight deck had a shout out for Anne and John from "apparently their son-in-law"...welcoming us to DC area...hahaha we laughed...we thought Megan and Marcus were trying to tell us something. That was fun. John called Megan and asked her if they had eloped and the shout out was their way of surprising us....the answer was no...hahah
Anne and Liz
Even the parking garage looked nice...full of green ivy!
Heading back to the parking garage (free parking garage) to get ready for the graduation celebration. More on that tomorrow.....

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