Friday, April 27, 2012

We have had the best weather during this past week. We had record lows earlier in the week...and it was wonderful! Waking up to temperatures in the upper 40's in late April...doesn't happen very often in Indialantic! The days have been sunny, breezy and there's hardly a cloud in the sky.
Taking Kiena for a walk...I had to snap a couple of photos. Love the way the morning light is shining on the flowers and trees.
I'm enjoying the morning before I head in to work this afternoon.
This weekend should be a bit warmer...but just as nice; and that's a good thing because it's time for the annual Melbourne Art Festival. David is in the show this that means I have a spot to camp out and watch everyone going by! haha Then Sunday, John and I are heading over to Orlando to see The Lion King. I've seen it (with Megan) but John has I'm looking forward to seeing it with him. I love the costumes! giant puppets....
Earlier in the week we had dinner at the Roy's house. Mike's friend is back in town...from Pittsburgh, and they've been out fishing all week/ last weekend. Mike cooked up some mahi mahi, his lobster casserole, and there was some smoked fish dip. Chris made some coconut shrimp...freshly toasted coconut and freshly caught shrimp...that was my favorite thing I ate!
Enjoying the back yard and the nice weather.
and the friends.

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