Sunday, April 22, 2012

Art Party

First of all let me say I downloaded these pictures in the order that I wanted them...however the computer rearranged them...I don't know why sometimes it keeps them in the order I want...sometimes it doesn't...
Last night my brother David had an art party at a friends house. Chris M. works with Bridget and he often hosts events and fundraisers at his home. It's not a huge house...but it has a great kitchen and back porch, pool area and bar and summer kitchen. Pretty nice set up for parties. There were probably 50-75 people there at any given time, as well as boxes full of prints and art work...and there was plenty of room to get around. I guess Chris had mentioned several times that they should have a party at his place...and this time David took him up on it. It was a strange weekend as far as the weather goes...reports were calling for 100% percipitation...and we had bad thunderstorms and lots of rain Friday night...but yesterday was quiet all day/night....until after midnight. Actually the cloud cover cooled things down and made it rather pleasant. The house would have held everyone comfortably...but the porch/pool area certainly was nice...and people enjoyed being out there.
Some of Bridget's co-workers were there...including Richard in the first photo...who not only works with Bridget...but also worked with my mother for many years. He knew Bridget and David for several years before he realized that "Doris" was David's mother. He also works with a friend we grew up with on Oak Ridge Drive...Roberta Van Dusen. He never knew they all knew each other! It's a small world!
Bridget and I were snapping photos. In this one David's friend Kim (his first girlfriend in high school), Bridget, Kim's husband Bert and Kim's mother (who still loves David)all groaned when the flash went off. All four of them at the same time.." need to take another one...we weren't ready." It was funny. The one above it...including me...was the one we took next...Destin took it for us.
Brenna and her friend Josh, who helped her move all her stuff down to Florida. He is a nice guy...and a computer "geek" "guru"...whatever you want to call him. As soon as we walked through the door...David snagged troubleshoot a problem he was having with his I-pad app used to process credit cards...Josh was more than willing to take on the challenge..and several minutes later...between Josh and Brenna...they had things up and running. David finally relaxed! I have to give the guy credit...two days ago he didn't know any of us...except Brenna....but he walked right in and just like that he fit right in.
David's neighbors who often take Maisy out for walks with their two dachshunds
...Bill, Jill and her sister, Charla. They have known David for years...their parents lived across the street...before Jill and Bill moved in.
At one ponit durint the evening Chris organized a group around the pool table for some sort of dice game. Everyone pitched in a specified amount of money and then from what I rolled the dice. Depending on what you rolled.... determined whether the dice were to be passed to the person on your left or your right. after a certain amount of time one person would win the whole "pot"....with the idea that they were to use it to buy a piece of art work from David. Clever! and fun! Bridget taking pictures.
Destin and her friend Julian. We had a lot of laughs.
Chris the guy who hosted the his kitchen. He was making Mojitos...and there was a selection of wines and beers, soda and water. something for everyone.
He made this solid ice bowl for the shrimp and cocktail sauce...then almost forgot to put them out. He also had pizza dough readily made and available for anyone who wanted to make their own pizza. The counter had a whole selection of toppings(mushrooms, peppers, onions, pineapple, chicken to name a few) to choose rolled your dough, put on what you wanted then brought it out to the oven on the porch to cook it. Yum! He also had assorted chips and candies and homemade bruschetta that he was passing around. It was really very nice!

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