Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sunday John and I went over to the Bob Carr Theater in Orlando to see The Lion King. It was expected. I think I enjoyed it more than John...but he liked it too. We got there early...(what a surprise...haha) which was part of our plan. We decided to go across the street to the Sheraton Hotel for lunch, since the show didn't start until 1pm. The only thing open was the Sports it was kind of an odd set-up as far as the tables go. We took one of the last two tops...rather than sit at a high table with a high stool..(....because then I feel like some little kid sitting on a big old chair)Shortly after we arrived, a group of four women came in. Three were older and one looked to be about our age, maybe a little younger. Well she seemed to be take an interest in John (Ellen must be right...haha)...haha She was staring at him as they came by...and then did some kind of little curtsey or something as they passed out table. A little weird...Hello! did she not see me sitting there with him??? luck would have it...they took a booth that faced out into the main seating area...looking right down on our table. John tried his best to avoid eye contact...and we finished up and headed over to the theater. We found our great seats...front row, Balcony Left. Right near where a couple of the cast members came up to perform at the start and later on in the show. Gazelle (?)at first and later on it was a young lady with "birds". We were near the end of the row.....relaxing till just a few minutes before the show when we planned to take a last minute trip to the restroom. Well...guess who ended up sitting in our row. Out of the whole theater...however many thousand seats...the four women ended up in our row! John said it was destiny...hahaha. He didn't want to get up and go to the bathroom....told me if he did...and she followed...I better follow her! hahaha She left him alone...actually sat at the end of the group....but that was weird. hahaha
We finally got a little bit of rain Sunday evening....making a nice sunset.
Saturday was the annual Melbourne Art Festival. I went to check it out. Saw a few things I liked...but didn't buy anything. David had a couple of pieces picked for that was good. Too bad....he didn't win anything....but he did sell some pieces....and it was nice to have two new pieces get selected for judging...maybe one will win something when he makes his way across the US this summer starting at the Reston show in a couple of weeks.
I enjoyed watching the people looking at his artwork...that's always fun. One guy said to his friends "'s like your mind just exploded onto the canvas!" haha...
I didn't hang around too long...because it was HOT! In the shade was tolerable...but it was really just hot. That and the fact that I really was trying not to spend any money...I figured I be better off at home. If I had other people with me...I might have walked around a bit longer...but in spite of the fact that there were a lot of people there...I didn't see too many people I knew. There were a lot of events going on around town... including a fish tournament at Captain Hiram's...which is where a lot of our friends were. Coming up next...lots of graduation celebrations! Austin from UF, Courtney from Mel High and Amanda from the Nursing Program at B.C.C. Looking forward to all the fun!

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