Friday, April 20, 2012

Some things I like

I recently spotted these books coming across the desk. I like these quirky illustrations....and it's kind of fun because all the lines are raised up so you can feel them. You can have fun moving your finger(s) along the wiggly lines.
Tom's Tweet is one I may use with the 1st graders. It's a little too long for a Story time group...especially if they are restless...hahah It is a rhyming book, which I always like...but it's also got a lot of words you don't hear everyday. Tom the cat is out hunting for breakfast when he comes across a little bird. He's all ready to eat but... "Dadburn it! said Tom "You're too skinny to eat. Why your nothing but feather and bone." He started to leave...but the shivering tweet looked so frightened. Unhappy. Alone. .... and it goes on like that.Turns out Tom is a "softie" and Mama Cat puts him to work. Cute! The next one caught my eye because I have a thing for Alphabet books. I don't know why...but I like prints, books etc with letters of the Alphabet on them. Ask my kids... This is about some alphabet peas (first I thought they were ants...) who work and play with the ABC's.Each picture shows them do letter related jobs and/or activities. It's kind of fun. I like the details.
This book by Taback is so cute! I LOVE the colorful illustrations and the kids enjoyed "guessing" what animal was going to appear next.
I liked the way the picture appeared one section at a time. I joked with the kids...when it was obviously a cat...I'd say...maybe it's a horse, etc. They laughed.
The author has several books like this...Dianne and I decided right away that we "needed" all of them!
Next week...................chickens!

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