Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Random thoughts

I don't have my latest pictures on the computer yet...so this is a totally random post. 1.Someone came in the library today and she was just as pleasant as can be...but I have to tell you it's hard to take someone seriously when they are wearing a big floppy hat with a bow on either side and a giant feather ( from a seagull...I think) sticking straight up in the air. I kept waiting for her to lift off....hehehe it's almost like someone with a really bad toupee...you just don't know where to look to keep from laughing out loud... 2. Funerals are not fun...but a difficult time can be so much better when family and friends gather and celebrate the life of the loved one who has died. The last two funerals I have attended were both celebrations of life...and so nice. That's the kind of "send-off " I want to have. 3. Funerals are also a time when you find yourself reconnecting with old friends and neighbors. I saw some people yesterday that I don't think I've seen for 20 years...but once we started talking... it felt like I had just seen them last week. Others I don't see often enough...life keeps us all busy and so even though we were at a funeral...we found ourselves laughing at some of the old memories...which I believe is exactly what Barbara would have liked us all to be doing. It was a sad day but a lovely day. 4. Being at the funeral yesterday reminded me that it was not that long ago when we were saying "good-bye" to my sister Jenifer. When I think of the last few weeks of her life...I always think of it as one of the hardest things I have ever done...but also one of the best times of my life...because of the time we spent not just with Jen, but so many other wonderful people. I will never forget those last days...and the people who shared them with us. 5. Working at the library I see books and movies coming and going and it gives me ideas on what I want to read/see. Recently people have been checking out The West Wing...a show I used to love. I decided to reserve Season 4...and I'm so glad. I had to kind of guess which season I wanted to see most...and 4 did not disappoint. I wrapped up my viewing session yesterday...and now I can't wait to get season 5! People firing shots at the press room, Zoey getting kidnapped...I'm so glad I don't have to wait as long as I did back when the season ended and didn't come back on for a couple of months! Again...I really used to enjoy watching that show...it was so well done...I miss it. 6.This years Sport's Illustrated bathing suit edition...has the most ridiculous suit on it's cover. I feel like I sound like an old lady...but the thing barely covers the girl and I think it looks awful. She looks like she's popping out of the stupid thing...(which is probably exactly why she's featured on the cover)...but as they say on ESPN..."COME ON MAN!" There are a lot of nice bathing suits out there that I'm sure would look great on the young lady...without looking like she's trying so darn hard to be noticed. 7. I hurt my knee skiing...Dr. thinks I tore the ACL....I'll be going to have an MRI.....something I've never had done. The day I hurt my knee...one sister was in the hospital getting a knee replacement...another is going to be having the same surgery. Our friend Reid had had one knee done...will soon be going in for the second, my brother -in law (in law.... s-i-l husband)..haha) had his done and yesterday I found out an old friend just had hers done this past year. Which all makes me think...wow modern medicine is great...we will all be walking around good as new on our fixed up/replaced knees...for years to come...pain free. But..... I can't imagine what all these kids who do extreme sports, gymnastics, and year round soccer, etc are going to need done to their knees when they hit 50! And now...it's bedtime...so I'll quit rambling on.....

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