Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Wedding

Yesterday marked a new milestone...we attended one of our friend's daughter's wedding. Several of my friends have been watching their daughter's get married this past year or two...but this was the first time John and I attended one.
Pretty sunflowers(Brittany's favorite) for table decorations(made by Zach's mother), the cake (made by a friend) and bouquets
The weather was kind of funny...a little cool, kind of cloudy and a few sprinkles near the coast earlier in the day; But when 3 pm rolled was breezy but pleasant. And once the ceremony started...the sun came out almost as if it was waiting for just the perfect moment.
The groom's grandfather officiated and some friends were in charge of music...(live and taped.)


Happy with the way everything turned out for Brittany and Zach. Proud Dad of the bride with John and Al
While the photographer took pictures of the families...there were appetizers, tea and lemonade outside. The wedding was at Bayside Lakes...there was a covered pavilion, outside and then the community room and porch next to the pool. It was a nice setting. Family members had prepared the appetizers and Mike provided the fish and our friend Ron made some delicious ceviche to go with the crackers. Meanwhile inside more friends were getting the dinner together, Mike had prepared roast pork and gravy and crab stuffed flounder. (for 150 people!) That along with rice and mixed vegetables and rolls made a delicious meal. It was even better knowing Mike had managed to catch and prepare all the fish for the occasion. It was delicious!
sisters of the bride and Mom and Dad
The bride and groom knew there were going to be lots of young children (most of them younger cousins) and you should have see the look on the kids faces when they spotted this candy. It happened to be right next to our table...hahaha. It was fun to watch them loading up on M & M's, pixie sticks and assorted treats!I believe it was ALL gone by the end of the party...haha

Brittany and Zach
and happy parents
first dance
Al got up and made a toast to the couple and I think he summed up what we all thought. These days you see all the shows about lavish weddings, parties, etc and it's easy to get caught up in all that. But this was truly a celebration of family and friends...Grandpa officiated, friends provided music, family members provided food and flowers, Mike caught all the fish and prepared the food, other family members and friends also provided food. Friends loaned needed equipment to serve the food and keep it warm and many family members were included in the ceremony. It was a NICE celebration and a great way to start a new life together! And it was fun! :)
we had to suffer sit through a few line dances...haha...but we knew there would be good dancing was the Roys after all! When Men Without Hats came on...we ALL danced with Mike& Denise and family to "Safety Dance" (someone told the DJ...if she didn't play it she wouldn't get paid...haha)....because......................................................
"We can dance if we want to
we can leave your friends behind
Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine!" haha...not really.....but if they don't dance...they're missing out!

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