Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday fun

Today was a great day. I worked 9-2...then enjoyed a lovely afternoon off. I took a bike ride and it was wonderful. Today was one of those days that makes you wish we could have year round. Blue skies, mild temperatures a bit of a breeze...ahhhhhhhhhhhh Now the moon is coming up and it's going to be a lovely evening. There's supposed to be a cold front moving through may be in the 50's tomorrow morning...we'll see.
Thursday is my favorite day of the week at work...because that's the day I get to have Story Time with my "little friends". (My mom used to use that expression...I hear her voice in my head when I say it)
I have a great little group that's been coming for the last few months...a good mix of personalities. We have fun together.Today we had some stories about food and Thanksgiving. I read "The Dooorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins. The story about some kids and their friends and lots of chocolate chip cookies. I probably talked about this one last year...because I always read it...and the kids seem to like it.It must be the cookies! Next it was "The Tasty Thanksgiving Treat" by Suzy-Jane Tanner. Little forest friends get together for Thanksgiving...the turkey brings the pumpkin pie. (It has flaps to lift...always a plus! hahah)
I read "The Wolf's Chicken Stew" and then we got up to move around a little. We did "The Beanbag Song" by Hap Palmer.
Instead of a matching game I "read" (kind of told the story and turned the pages...because the book was a little too long for the group) "Stone Soup" and the kids helped me make pretend stone soup.
I passed out the fake vegetables and as I told the story about what the villagers put in the pot...the boys and girls came up and put their "vegetables" in and stirred the pot. They all was cute. (Sometimes there's one or two that don't want to get up in front of everyone..... but today everyone wanted to "stir the soup")
Next week more Thanksgiving books and a craft and we'll feed the fruits, vegetables and treats to the "Old Lady" puppet. (She'll eat the food instead of the usual farmyard animals...haha). When the kids left they were all sporting Native American head dresses.....I wasn't sure what I was going to do for a craft...but earlier in this week Dianne had some teen volunteers cut some paper for a program Saturday. Unfortunately they didn't follow her her craft gone wrong turned out to be part of our craft of the week...funny how things work out! :) I just love to see how 15 kids with all the same pieces available...make 15 different looking's really interesting. Saturday we're going to have a visit from "Clifford the Big Red Dog". I'll be a Reference ;( -but that does mean I'll have a chance to slip over and see how things are going. I'll get a picture.

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