Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weird cover/tribute bands

I am enjoying the time change and had the opportunity to catch up on some needed sleep. This afternoon John was off to play in the Over 55 Roy Hobbs World I was home alone. I was reading, felt tired and decided I should "take a little nap". I think I did doze off...then woke up when John called to report that they had won one game...and lost one game...he played well...had some good hits and so far no injuries...haha.
After I hung up I started flipping through the channels...and happened upon some Ice dancing show. (strike one!) I noticed they were skating/dancing to "Come Together" by The Beatles...then I noticed the "band"...they looked like they were trying to not just sound like the Beatles...but trying to look like the Beatles too. OK now I was just confused...what the heck was I watching?????? Looked at the guide and in case you missed was on ABC...A Beatles Tribute band and ice dancing show. Why?????????????????????? I can't watch these shows because I start thinking things did these poor guys not only spend so much time trying to sound like the Beatles...but all the time trying to look like them too. I just don't get it..............................And now...maybe they have realized their dream...playing Beatles tunes on the side of an ice rink...they're probably laughing all the way to the bank...meanwhile I could not change the channel fast enough! haha

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