Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good bye friend

Margaret Mary "Ra" Popham
February 4, 1948-November 7, 2011

Grieve not....
nor speak of me with tears...
but laugh and talk of me...
as though I were beside you. I loved you so...
"twas Heaven here with you.

That's the saying on Ra's mass card. That along with one of her favorite Irish blessings.
We attended her funeral mass today with her family and friends. I did fine until the bagpiper started playing...........But I know Ra was a woman of great faith and she was not afraid to die. She was at peace, just sad to be leaving sooner than she had hoped. After the mass we gathered for a lovely lunch reception at the Doubletree Inn. (Ra had many a Sunday breakfast there after mass, usually with her granddaughters and our neighbor Pilar.) I'm sure she had all the details spelled out :) The bagpiper and drummer played one last song for Ra...one of her favorites that they always played for her at her St. Patrick's Day party.....and her sisters, nieces, daughter -in-law and several friends got up and danced...it was a perfect celebration of her life. We'll miss her.

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