Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving (finally)

The Thursday before Thanksgiving we made these turkeys
Ellison Die hand print made it easy to cut up lots of hands...haha I painted the cups while I watched TV one night. The kids glued on the ice cream spoon (head and neck) and the eyes and "feathers" and Voila! A cute table decoration.

Turkey puppet on display
Thanksgiving day John and I flew out of Orlando...up to Huntsville AL. We left mid weather...smooth sailing (thank goodness!)When Brenna picked us up she did not give away the fact that Megan had in fact arrived earlier in the day! Megan was in the kitchen waiting when we got back to Brenna's. I had talked to her Wednesday...she and Marcus met up with Ellen and Erik and Anna and Rob and Shane in DC for dinner. None of them gave it away either! At Brenna's we ate the turkey and all the side dishes...yum! Especially enjoyed the sweet potatoes and the cheesecake Brenna made using my dad's favorite recipe. after we's what we did! haha
Friday when we ventured out to a few sales...Brenna told me I needed to wear her I would look like a local. (after she saw the shoes I intended to wear...haha) I liked those boots!
scenes in and around the felt like Thanksgiving! Cold/cool...bare trees....nice.
Her neighborhood is in an older part of town...some of the streets/houses are on the Historic registry. Many built in the late 1800's early 1900's. Interesting. In certain areas...the older homes have been added on to...they look simple from the front...then you notice that they go all the way back...very nice. Lots of pretty decorated wrap around porches.
I would have to say it was not the prettiest town I've ever been to...but it was interesting...and I would have to see it again when the trees are full of leaves to get a real feel for the place.

I was determined to find some leaves still on the trees...and I did. as John and I walked
up to the local coffee shop...I gathered a variety of leaves....
John thought that was funny...

We had a nice long weekend. Now it's back to work...they gave me two days off...but scheduled me for 26 hrs now that I'm's hard to get them to actually give me a day off...haha no wonder everyone is always scrambling around trying to use up their leave before the end of the year
they don't let me use it...they just work around the time I want off....which isn't completely bad...but sometimes....................................... I am working on getting ready for Bunco next Monday, putting up my tree...which I never put up this early...but since I'm hosting Bunco...I decided to go for it. I'm making sure I am ready for tomorrow's story time and figuring out how I am going to have time to do everything I need to get done I better sign off and get ready for bed.

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