Sunday, October 2, 2011

Maitland Art Festival

As I mentioned the other day I decided to head to Maitland for the Art Festival this weekend. My friend Linda was happy to join me and even though David canceled (too hard to regroup after a busy show in Kansas City last weekend)we decided to go for it.
We left midday Saturday with a late lunch at the way out of town at LongDoggers on Post RD.Our first stop in Orlando was IKEA. Last time went went over we had gone to Mall at Millenia...but ran out of time. Someone had described IKEA as sort of Disneyland with furniture and housewares instead of rides. We were curious. This time we skipped the mall and went straight to the store. All I can say is it was interesting. The prices are kids or people just starting out could make their money go a long way..but you also could certainly get carried away and find yourself with an armload of things that "are so reasonable" and find yourself spending $$$$$$
but I did find these two pillows for only $9.99 each...shoot...for that price if they only lasted a few months they'd be worth it! haha The store is go in and follow the arrows on a path through the store. There were lots of people...LOTS of STUFF and it was a little weird! The even have a restaurant in the store and a grocery store attached......kind of bizarre. We had fun...but we were also ready to get out of there! hah interesting..............
It was a beautiful day and promised to be a beautiful evening...possibly even on the cool side (not really... it was pleasant...but warmer than we expected). The show is in Maitland around Lake Lily. It's one of the only shows that is open until 10:00 pm. Once the sun goes down (which is about when we arrived) and the temperature drops...the lights come on and it really is a nice venue. There was live music in a couple of locations around the lake, art of course and food and beverages...we just walked around and enjoyed the evening. I will say there wasn't anything that really caught my eye that I wished I had enough money to buy...except maybe some pretty light fixtures that had sea shells on/in the shade. Sounds like it could be tacky...these definitely were not...they were beautiful...but well out of my price range if I even had anywhere to put them. Soooo I enjoyed looking at them.

After we walked around...we headed across the street to the place David turned us on to 2 years ago...Antonio's. It was just as good as we remembered. No squash soup this time...but the eggplant parmigiana and garlic bread were good enough to make up for that. It was delicious!
We enjoyed our dinners and headed back to the hotel in time to see Alabama finish off the Gators. no big surprise there
Loved the cooler temperatures and the spot. Beautiful old oak trees all over the place, some brick roads, the lake etc. It's a nice spot in central Florida.
Next week David will be in the Winter Park show a few miles down the road...who knows...maybe we go see that one too.

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