Saturday, October 1, 2011

The End of September

Well, it's finally fall and we got our first hint of cooler weather. we had lows in the upper 60's this morning! Finally!
Last night John had a plan for the us to take the boat over to Ichabod's Dockside in Melbourne Harbor for dinner. Reid, Amy, Jordan and Chandler were going to join us. Right about 4:00pm it started to POUR in Melbourne Beach. It let up a bit by 5:pm when I got off work...but the dark clouds were still hanging low. I wasn't sure the boat ride was going to happen.
Reid was sure it was going to clear up (and it turns out he was right) so he and Chandler came over in their truck and hitched up the boat. Amy and Jordan met up with the guys at the boat launch at the Eau Gallie Causeway. I opted to drive...I had been standing all day and didn't want to stand on the boat if the seats were all wet.
As I came down the Melbourne Causeway...I saw the boat turning into the harbor. I parked my car and walked up as the boat pulled in and parked by Ichabod's. The place was packed...but we managed to get a table outside,over looking the harbor. We had conch fritters, fried mahi fingers, and John and I split a Teryaki Mushroom Burger...Yum! I enjoyed a nice split of champagne and it was a pleasant evening!
It was a nice end to the week and the end of September. I love October!...Halloween decorations, cooler weather and everything. (at Storytime Thursday I read about apples and pumpkins and when I said the word Halloween...I had 12 little kids all telling me what they were going to be for Halloween...princess, fairy, fireman, Cinderella...I love it!)
I have come to the conclusion that being 54 is a lot like being 13-14...some days you just feel "out of sorts"...nothing is really wrong...but everything feels wrong. I had a day like that on Tuesday. I was frustrated and for seemingly no reason at all one minute I was fine and the next I felt like I was on the verge of tears. Earlier in the day we had talked about our plans for watching the big game on Sat...JOhn had come up with a plan...I wasn't so sure...and he said "It'll be'll be fine." (and it wasn't a bad just wasn't what I had in mind) And I think that's when I "lost it"...haha I was just tired of always going along with the plan...or whatever...because that's how I am.(at home, etc) I said to myself...&*^% it! I took a bike ride to clear my head...and decided I was going to call a friend and make a plan for the weekend. David was supposed to be in the Maitland Art Festival this weekend. Linda and I went two years ago and enjoyed the venue...around a lake, at night...very I decided we needed to go. Linda was game...actually talked me into it...I wanted to go but wasn't sure...she convinced me we should just do it. John said "Go!" and so later today we are heading over...David or no David. There's a great restaurant right across the street from the art fest..."Antonio's" I am hoping they have the squash soup on the menu again this year!... Record lows are expected tonight (11 degrees below normal!) so it will be perfect! Low 60's...clear skies...I can't wait!...not to mention a chance to catch up with Linda...who I haven't seen in's a good way to start October!And I feel much better!
This morning while Kiena and I were walking around the block...I spotted these leaves...proving that even in Indialantic Fl...there is a hint of fall in the air and on the trees!
I am listening to music (of course) as I type this and as a coincidence..Jimmy Eat World - In the Middle is playing as I type..."Everything everything will be just fine, everything everything will be all right!" hahaha

1 comment:

  1. nice pictures. I want one of Kiena with the leaves
