Monday, October 10, 2011

Hot times on the 9th Anniversary

Last week the Library celebrated it's 9th anniversary.
I was there when the library that time I was in the Reference dept. Dianne (Children's), Susan (Circ), Mona (secretary) Irma (Reference) are the only ones still there from the original crew. We have a new director and other staff has seen several turnovers...especially recently...but happily we are still open! Budget hearings for the year are
over and the budget is set for the we don't have to worry about that for about 9 months....
We had some simple decorations and we baked some 9 shaped cookies. which looked kind of ugly. Mine were pretty awful looking...but they were brownies...with frosting and no one cared
At the end of the day all except one were gone.
While we celebrated the 9th anniversary...we were heating up inside...since our AC finally called it quits. It has been slowly dying over the past few months...and it finally died last Tuesday. Wednesday I was there all day...we had fans everywhere, dressed down to stay cool...but it was HOT! As long as you were right next to a fan it was fine....
Thirsday I decided I could be hot at the front desk or hot having fun with the kiddos at I put a few big fans in the room and we had stories about fire safety...and fall'
I read this cute one about Grandma Cat who bakes a pie...everyone has a piece, then the one piece left over is the perfect size for the six mice living in the wall...they leave behind six crumbs,,,just right for the ants...until not a crumb was leftover. After that...books about firefighters... When I got the first one little boy ( who I love) said "Now I like that kind of book!" hahaha cute. I was hoping I wasn't scaring all the kids half to death...(Megan was not fond of the fire drills when she was in really bothered her that she would not be able to take the time to get her lunch box if there was a fire... because she really liked it! )Any way all the books had a cute
little fire dog who rescued a kitten or something...
and of course everything ended well. Everyone safe, fires and sound back at the fire station.
The books all have fire safety tips in the back...(I skipped those. haha)
We ended with a short movie...Pete's a Pizza...narrated by Chevy Chase. They loved it. And then it was back out to the front desk where we tried hard to stay cool.
Next week...books about fall.

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