Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekend storm

We had a storm over the weekend...it rained for two days...pretty much all day
and the wind was blowing. There were some pretty strong gusts. It wasn't a tropical system per say...but it sure acted like one.
Our neighbor across the street found out a few months ago that she has lung cancer. There is nothing they can do...so it is just a matter of time. One thing Ra had said was that she wished she could sit on her back porch and watch a hurricane blow through once more...that and to use her generator that she had installed after all the hurricanes in 2004. Well...it wasn't a hurricane but we figured this was the storm she wanted. The power went out a few times...her generator kicked on...and it was the perfect kind of storm...because it didn't cause any damage.
John and I were kind of laughing at ourselves...we are lucky it wasn't a hurricane...because were were totally unprepared.
We had one little flashlight that worked...then eventually rounded up a second one. we did have some batteries...but no 9 volt...which is what we needed for the weather radio and/or our small AM/FM radio in our room.
At one point John ran across the street and got some D batteries from Ra...and just as we got them all into the radio in Megan's old room...the power came back on. So...if there had been any severe weather coming...we wouldn't have known....(once the power went out that is). We had food and plenty of water...but that's about it.
After the storm we had some clean up to do in the yard...not as much as we would have had...if we hadn't done the trimming we did recently. All around town there were lots of palm fronds, some small branches and lot of leaves.That...and lots of puddles. The water ran out of places to drain...the ditch along Paradise Blvd was at least double in size...I took a picture on my cell phone...if I can figure out how to get it from the phone to the computer...I'll add them. There was a lot of water! An hour or two after I walked by...I noticed the City vehicles lined up to figure out how to get the water to start draining...before more started falling!
Our neighbors had no power for an entire night & day...glad we just had short outages.
Everything is back to normal...the sun was out again today...but I can hear rain on the roof right now!

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