Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dinner with the crew

Saturday (7/2/11) after a refreshing walk in the cool morning air, we all got organized and headed to the Art Festival.Martha, Tony and John were golfing at "Bear Dance"...a really nice course about 45minutes-1 hour away. I thought I might have a hard time getting up that early (5:00am)since I always have a hard time getting up that early!haha the first day there...so I opted to join them on Monday instead. We hung out at the booth and then looked at some of the other artwork. There were lots of great artists and some fun artwork. Some strange stuff too..haha
Had fun watching the people too....and trying to stay cool once the clouds cleared out and things started to heat up. Elizabeth had arranged for the whole group of us to go to dinner. David had requested she make the reservation at Elway's Steakhouse. At one point it looked like it might be as many 24 of us...but in the end it was 12. (Ellen and Anna had not arrived yet...they were in flight as we were at dinner.)It was a little later than John and I normally eat...and factoring in the time difference...made it even later...but I felt fine. We all enjoyed our dinners...the steaks lived up to the hype and the side dishes were pretty tasty as well. We even sampled a couple of the desserts. Someone at our table (at the other end...I missed out on who put in the request) asked them to bring out a birthday "cake" for Elizabeth.By the time we were ready for dessert it was going on 10:30pm. We had all enjoyed our dinner and a few cocktails/glasses of wine/champagne, etc).Well...there were three other tables of people in the place. One group of 8,then one group of 4, us and then another group of 4 men. The group of 4 to our left (2 men,2 women) sang Happy Birthday to one woman at their table. Shortly after that, the group of 8(straight out from us in the next room) sang Happy Birthday to someone at their table... it was a little louder, then it was our turn. By the time Liz got her "cake" we had all three other tables singing along with our whole group. When table 4 to our right sang to one of the guys in their group...it was even louder. At this point table one decided to go again...getting the whole group in on it...haha we thought it was going to turn into a "sing off!" Everyone was laughing...not sure about the waiters...haha they might've been hoping we'd all just get the heck out of there...haha actually they seemed to be enjoying the fun too. We finished up...posed for several pictures and then headed back to wait for Ellen and Anna. They had landed at 9:30pm. They got their luggage and then caught the "Super Shuttle" which then took them on a 2 hour( here's where you can start humming the theme song to "Gilligan's Island") trip around Denver.... we were sending text messages to them "Where are you?",they kept texting us...saying "Be there soon". One by one the group left the bar and headed up to bed...it was getting a little ridiculous...I'm sure Ellen and Anna thought they'd never get to the hotel. The Super Shuttle took almost as long as their last flight! Naturally when we finally gave up...they arrived about 5 minutes later. Elizabeth and Martha(?) went back down to say Hi and goodnight. We were glad they made it.

Ryan,David,Martha,Paul,Elizabeth,Anne,John,Brenna,Bridget,Meredith & Tony

Meredith, John, Brenna, Bridget & Martha

Anna and Ellen weren't the only ones who didn't make it...Megan decided to pass on the dinner...she wasn't interested in steak and she was tired...she fell asleep about five minutes after we left...and enjoyed having the whole room/whole bed to herself for some good deep sleep...until we returned.

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