Thursday, July 14, 2011

Last Sunday

Sunday morning...Brenna, Megan and Ryan got up at 5:00am to go for a hot air balloon ride. John was going to go...but he had last minute nerves...decided to pass. They headed out. Once again I was awake and unable to I got up kind of early. Martha, Elizabeth and I took a long walk down to the Art show...bringing a few items that David forgot and making a stop at Home depot along the way. We took a nice walk through some nearby neighborhoods and along a bike path through a wooded area. Very nice. Dropped off the needed items then walked back to the hotel to get ready for breakfast. We met up with the gang down in the lobby.
we decided to head to the Cherry Cricket restaurant again. Ellen wasn't feeling so great...but she managed to get a few crackers down. The rest of us had no trouble at all! haha
It was a little hot on Sunday...hotter than normal. We spent a lot of time looking for shade. At one point it looked like a storm was brewing...clouds were building and the wind was picking up.
The wind got really gusty (is that a word???) and Bridget was a wreck because David's whole booth shifted. She was afraid the whole thing was going to blow down. Some of the art work is pretty THAT would not have been good! People kept wandering in not concerned at all...meanwhile all the sudden the whole gang went to work. we were all taking things off the walls and packing them up. (think fire brigade.) We took them down, Martha and Bridget were bagging them up, was a job! At one point it started to sprinkle a bit...then we went into high gear! We got everything down...and realigned the booth (Tony & Paul that is) and then the clouds parted and we put everything back up. Whew! I don't know what David would've done without the group of us.
Right around that time a good friend of ours, Lisa, who lives in Colorado, came by t see us all. Lisa lived across the street from us on Oak Ridge Drive back in the 70's.
We heard later that one artist lost $6000.00 worth of glass work during that wind storm...or whatever it was.

Sunday night Elizabeth had made reservations for an Italian place. Most of the group went there...Megan, Brenna and I opted out. We went to Corridor 44...a place Megan and Marcus found when they were in Denver just a couple of weeks before our trip. It was a fun place in LODO...downtown. The whole street was strung with lights and! We had some tasty food (lots of organic stuff) and a good glass of champagne for me! After dinner we went back to the hotel and everyone else was just returning from their we all went to the bar. More drinks, laughter and plenty of stories! We were down there until they closed the was fun.

Paul, John, David, Lisa, Anne & Martha

We all finally went to bed and rested up for the 4Th of July.

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