Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cherry Creek Art Festival weekend

The Art festival started on Saturday, July 2, 2011. David and Bridget got down there finish getting set up. Elizabeth and I took a great walk through some of the neighborhoods near our hotel. We took one left and went straight...and eventually ended up at a nice park. The neighborhood was lovely...lots of big trees, nice flowers and older brick homes. Everywhere you looked, it seemed like someone was walking a dog. There were lots of walkers, joggers, bikers...seems like an active city.
This big sign was actually at the entrance of the mall opposite the streets where the art festival was taking place. very convenient! haha
Along the streets in Cherry Creek were big sculptures, lots of flower planters, shops, of course and any kind of coffee shop or restaurant you could want!
After our walk...we cleaned up and went to the show. Saturday was in the morning...but up into the 90's later in the day. The skies were clear. There were people and dogs everywhere.
In our group...Ryan, Megan, Liz, Bridget, Martha, Paul, David & I.
Megan met up with a friend who currently lives in Denver. Jim went to F.I.T. in Melbourne. He graduated, got a job in Orlando...then a year ago moved to Denver. He met up with Bridget, Megan and I for lunch. Later, his girlfriend (*originally from Melbourne) and he joined John, Tony, Megan and Brenna for a drink (or two?). It was fun meeting him.
There was a lot of activity around David's booth.
It was usual, to be able to take a break and sit and watch the the booth.

We spent the day/evening at the show and then we all had a dinner planned at John Elways Steakhouse.

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