Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Back home

We left last Friday to head to Colorado for a few days off and a visit with all my brothers and sisters. Our brother David was in the Cherry Creek Art Festival in we all decided to meet up there.
We missed a few members of the gang...Mark unfortunately was not able to meet with all of us due to work...he actually has been working out in Denver...but had to come back to Florida right before we all went out there. He did hook up with David and Bridget and Paul for a nice dinner at the Denver Chop House the night before he left. He also sent a nice bouquet of flowers to my sister Martha...which was waiting for her when she and Tony arrived. My brother -in-law Erik had to did David...but Anna and Ellen made it!(they got in the next day) Our brother-in-law Rob also didn't make we missed seeing him and Shane.
David and Paul drove out to get a feel for the venue and get a "game plan" together. Bridget arrived next. Martha and Tony flew in from Honolulu. Elizabeth, Ryan and Meredith arrived at the Denver airport just after John and I...and Megan (in from DC) got there. It was fun to run into family members at the far from home!Brenna arrived the next did Ellen and Anna.
Once we got all of our gear we headed to Loews Hotel in Denver. The view is from the window on the 4th floor at the end of the hall (where our room was located.)Here's Martha, Tony, Liz, Meredith, Megan, Ryan, John & I taking over the lobby.The hotel was in a great spot just a mile or two from the Art Festival. We could walk (kind of long..kind of hot...unusually warm for Denver) or take the hotel was very convenient.Martha , Elizabeth and I walked down one morning....then went home and cleaned up before returning for the show. I've never been to Denver in the summer...only in winter...on the way to a ski it was nice to see it in July. It was beautiful in the Cherry Creek area...lots of green trees, lots of flowers and off in the distance the snow capped mountains. The staff was great...and we certainly made ourselves at home....haha. They told us when we left this morning that they had enjoyed having us there. The bell hop said "We enjoyed having your family were a lot of fun. We usually get mostly business you livened up the place."

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