Friday, June 24, 2011

Why is that bird in the window?

I don't know if you can see this right off the bat...but the other day this dove was sitting right on the other side of our front window. Kiena spotted it, jumped up on the chair and started barking at it. The bird just sat there. I would think seeing that dog face right in front of her would scare off the bird...but it did not. Finally Kiena's bark changed from "get out of here" to a kind of puzzled bark...which is when I looked up and saw the dove....still sitting there. Kiena was looking at me as if to say..."Why isn't that bird going away???" So...I went and got my camera and took it's picture. The flash did what the bark did scared her off. It was funny.


  1. ahahha RUFF RUFF RUFF RUFF ruff? ruff? ruff???

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