Thursday, June 2, 2011

The rest of the graduation weekend

Okay finally finishing up with the photos from DC.When we went up for the convocation at George Mason... We went to visit my brother-in-law Rob and my nephew Shane.
We stayed there with them...and went to visit Megan's place and Marcus's apt.
Rob has his deluxe/luxurious bar downstairs....The Shadow Warrior Lounge...where drinks are free and it's always open.(this can be good or bad...depending on who's stopping in...haha)

Marcus's mom had spent the morning at a church rummage she was happy to stop in for a cold a matter of fact...everyone seemed happy to stop in for a cold one. (or two) Rob loves to entertain...and he enjoyed the afternoon.
We had a cookout to end our celebration of Megan's graduate degree. Marcus, his parents,Tom and Laura. John, Rob, Shane & I and Megan's "other" parents...Christine and John B. They opened their home up to her when she first headed up to DC...and they have been there for her whenever she needed anything. It has been nice to know that Megan had/has all these people looking out for her....the more parents the better...haha. It's been raining a lot up in Northern we weren't too surprised when the cushions on the patio chairs started feeling a little damp...poor Christine...I think she had it the worst...
It was a beautiful afternoon on the patio. Good food, good friends and a good reason to celebrate. John had brought up some of his recently caught mahi-mahi...everyone was happy to sample it. Laura wasn't too sure...but John won her over...she had a taste...and then went back for more.

Ever since David (who else...haha) discovered the Leesburg Restaurant a few years is mandatory that we stop in when we are nearby. The day John and I were heading back home
Rob, Shane, Megan and I stopped in for a good breakfast. John was afraid we wouldn't have enough he decided he'd stay home rather than fret about what time it was and how much more time we needed to get to the airport to return the rental car, etc. We were in and out in record time and made it to the airport in plenty of time as usual! and I didn't have to worry about eating something at Dulles Airport....after the not so delicious meal we had in Orlando....I was glad!

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