Thursday, May 26, 2011

DC visit

Last Saturday (May21) John and I were up in D>C> If you read my last post you know we were up there for Megan's graduation ceremony. Well...on Saturday she had a softball game downtown...they usually play down by the Washington Monument or some of the other monuments. John was going to join her since the Embry Riddle (Aeronautical University) alumni team was short on players. Since they were going to be busy
playing softball...a doubleheader...
Shane and I decided we were going to go into one or two museums. My favorite is the Museum of American that's where we went. Shane was very agreeable...he did whatever I wanted...and did not complain when we were hiking around from place to place...and eventually down to meet up with Megan and John down by the FDR monument.
We got there fairly it was not too crowded. We stopped in to see Julia Child's kitchen...that was fun. Also went to see my favorite exhibit of the first ladies Inaugural gowns. My sister Jenifer and I saw them one time about 22 years ago on a snowy winter day. The city was basically closed due to snow...but the museums were Jen and I had a wonderful time in a very UNCROWDED museum. We saw the dresses then...pretty much had the room to ourselves....I think the set up was a little different...but Shane and I managed to get a good look.
I just love looking at the different styles, sizes, etc...and even listening to the comments people make when the see them. It was fun...I tried not to keep Shane in there too long...didn't want to bore him too much. We also looked at various exhibits about houses, toys, etc.
Posed near the Muppets and a cool marionette (?) (I think) because I can't pass up a cute puppet!

After we wandered around there for awhile...we made our way downstairs to the cafeteria. Beat the crowd and had a pretty good lunch while we rested our feet for a few minutes.
Walking around the museum and the mall's just so amazing to think anyone can go in and enjoy them...for FREE! It's such a gift!
we thought about going down to the Natural History Museum...but my map reading skills aren't so great and when I said "OH's right down there" a kind young man pointed out to us that it was in fact down the street a ways...not right next to where we were. I thanked him and laughed...glad Megan and Brenna were not on hand to laugh at me ...I hardly ever get directly to where I'm going...there's always a u-turn or two involved when I'm driving. I'm just not that great at reading maps...I just kind of wing it. haha " no kidding"...that's what I hear them saying to themselves right about now.haha
It's why I rarely get a trail map when we go skiing...I just go up...then down and figure it out as I go....or follow someone! haha
After we left and start walking to where the game was going on....we weren't exactly sure where we were going...just the general direction. we passed the Washington Monument and saw games of softball/baseball, soccer, name it...people were playing it all around. we happened upon the world War II memorial...and stopped for a visit. I loved it! Loved the wreath sculptures at each end and the fountains and the whole thing really. It was very nice. There were various groups walking around, including several tour buses full of retired veterans...many in uniform...posing for pictures. They were telling stories, reminiscing and enjoying a lovely day.
I overheard one man who was pushing an older gent in a wheelchair saying the man had fought in the battle at the Bridge of the River Kwai.
We took a break under some cool a drink of water...and after a phone call and a look at a map,
Shane figured out which way we should be going. By this time we were getting a tad hot and
our feet were tired...but we got where we needed to get...and all in all we enjoyed ourselves.

You might note below....that I have the one cock-eyed photo in my group the the unique style of my mom,Doris Burton....................who was famous for getting at leastone photo crooked/headless etc. I heard my camera "click" and just laughed
No one was over near John Paul I made Shane pose for me. (this was as we made our way towards the ball fields)

After all that we headed back to the house to get ready for a cookout with Megan & Marcus, his parents, Tom & Laura, Christine and John Borgelt (or as Megan calls them - her second parents), Rob, Shane , John and I. More on that tomorrow.

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