Sunday, May 22, 2011

Weekend in D.C.

John and I flew up to DC on Wednesday. We were going to see Megan and attend her "graduation". She actually got her Master's degree in December, but the convocation is held at the end of the spring term. While in D.C. we also visited with my brother-in-law Rob and my nephew Shane. (more on that later)
We arrived at the place where Megan lives (for one more week anyway)and waited until she got home from work. While we waited we enjoyed the fresh spring air...a little cooler than Fl this time of year. It was wonderful!
VA has been getting a LOT of rain lately...but we caught the tail end of the latest front. Everything was so GREEN! it even smelled green!
A little path next to the townhouse Megan lives in

Megan in her "cool" car..just home from work. I hadn't been up to see her place since she moved in last year(?)...also finally got to see the car.

We ate a little bit and then everybody humored me and posed for pictures.
John, Megan,Marcus and I
After we arrived on the George Mason University was time for more photos. You can see what a nice evening it was.

Lining up outside. There were 500 students receiving Doctorate or Master's degrees at the convocation ceremony.
Reception with CAKE
( not bad................even if it wasn't from Publix....haha)

Happy Dad and graduate!
I convinced Megan to get up and pose with the statue of George Mason. She was a little reluctant...until another girl did...then she figured it was OK. haha

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