Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time for bed

I just re-read what I wrote last night and realized I left out a sentence or two...which I guess is one way of telling myself...writing blogs at bedtime might not be the wisest thing...haha
I really should be going to bed right now...but instead here I am on the computer...reading and writing blogs...and I really do have to get up tomorrow for I have to make this short. I was just thinking about how we all have our own ways of getting along in life. We all need something to plan for, look forward to...or feel like we have a reason to keep doing what we're doing. Work isn't so bad...if you have a reward in store(other than the obvious reason for make a living)... I always laugh when John plans a "trip" because for's having a trip , or two or more planned for sometime in the near future that keeps him focused. We have literally been driving/flying home from a trip in the past and he would be making plans for the next one. Me...I just wanted to get home and unpack...then think about where I was going next. John works hard...and he wants to feel like he is making the most of the time he has when he has no obligations... his motto work hard and reward yourself. Give yourself something to work towards. He's always been like that. Even when he claims he is not going to plan's not long before he starts thinking about something...and before you know it...a trip is in the works.

But I really can't laugh at him because for me...I like to have a party to today I was walking along...enjoying the day and decided that we needed to have a party soon...and Voila!...I came up with a reason. Megan graduates from George Mason in mid December, Megan and Brenna are going to be home for the holidays...Elizabeth and her friend Jon and Ryan will be here for a few days and we (John and I) have birthdays coming as far as I'm concerned that all adds up to a P+A+R+T+Y. And just like that I will be all focused on that for now...I don't care if the "event" is month(s) away...I will plan away until the date arrives. So there's this months activities and then of course there is our anniversary in February...I've been thinking along the lines of "29 Years and 28 Bad Wedding outfits" - making people wear bad bridesmaid dresses and T-shirt Tuxes and bad pants/shoes/whatever for the guys. I said I wasn't going to make people dress up again this year...but like John and his trips...I just can't seem to help myself! So really we aren't so different...just our ideas. So we all make our plans...some are more involved,,,but when we look ahead.... it's nice to have things we are looking forward to doing!

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