Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We were invited over to some of our friends house for Thanksgiving this year. The invitation included Brenna and my brothers...although only Paul made it.
Gayle had tables set up out on the back patio near the pool. It was a beautiful afternoon...kind of it was a good temperature and it wasn't that was perfect.
Gayle got all of her dishes plastic flatware and no paper dishwashers (human and machine) were in high gear!)Guests (in addition to us...) included Gayle's sister and friend, another good friend Nancy & her family, some of Michaela's friends from UCF & FIT, Nancy's parents (also old friends of Gayle's), and two other extended family members and their children. It was a big crowd and a fun group too. Gayle made two turkeys (Martha Stewart's suggestions...two smaller birds versus one big one gives you twice as many wings, wishbones, etc)Nancy made ham and everyone else made the gravy (yum!), mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potato dish (me)stuffings, salads, and plenty of desserts. (pumpkin pie was the only disappointment...sorry to say...but the chocolate truffles (homemade) made up for it..haha)After we ate Caitlin and Gayle had put together some games and got pretty much everyone involved. They did some games like the "Minute to Win It" show. (I have no photos of the game portion of the evening...since my camera was in John's pocket and he had made a quiet exit before they started...he was home snoozing...haha) The kids especially had a blast... (I heard one of them...also named Brenna, tell her Mom..."This is the BEST Thanksgiving ever!" )but we had plenty of laughs too. It was a great afternoon evening. Everyone went home happy and FULL!
*The Sweet Potato Pudding with Pecan and Gingersnap Topping
that I made came from the November issue of Bon Appetit.
It was good!

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