Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Project #1

I keep hearing from people that they have all their Christmas decorations up and I think YIKES!...but then I remind myself that it's only December need to panic...there's plenty of time! I am semi-organized...there's a small pile of already wrapped (and more importantly marked)gifts ready to go. I'm working my way through my relatively short list.
Yesterday I had the day off...and I was productive!

I made a trip to the Hallmark Store ( which is sometimes dangerous! haha)and exited said store with two gifts marked off my list and my Christmas cards. Now in the past few years as long as I can remember I have always bought cards during the after Christmas sales...the selection may not be as good...but the discounts are always a plus. For reasons I can't remember...I did not buy any last year...or if I did I put them away and can't locate them. something I never do..hahah So...I had to make a trip.... and I found what I needed (and more!).
I usually start off with a bang...get the address book out, and stamps, etc then I get going. I always do the quick ones note needed...that way I feel like I'm making progress. One batch goes out into the mailbox and I start on the next one.
Next come the ones that I feel need a little note...nothing too in depthAnd then the ones that get a nice long note/letter and maybe a by one I get them done...if you're reading this and you get one of know what I mean...haha and you probably get your card later in the month.
Adding to this year's challenge is my choice of postage stamps. Last time I went to the PO I bought 100 stamps. I never get the plain , boring roll of stamps...I want something more interesting. I opted for the Hawaiian Rain Forest stamps. As soon as I really looked at them...I knew John was NEVER going to use them...they are kind of like a puzzle.(see above)..beautiful...but a little hard to find on the sheet. I used up one sheet and put the stamps on all the envelopes on his desk...then went back to the PO and bought him a roll of stamps and kept the other 90 for my own personal use...haha. They aren't Christmas stamps...but I think they're nice...and as long as I have my glasses on while I'm working on the cards...they'll do just fine! (the glasses will probably also improve the quality of my handwriting...haha)
So...I have one wreath Santa decoration out and one garland up...and a stack of addressed envelopes ready to go!.....but's only December 2nd.
I think I'm doing fine.

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