Saturday, December 4, 2010

Identity Crisis???? this morning while walking my dog Kiena I met a neighbor and her two dogs and in spite of my emphasis on the K...she was convinced the dog's name was Tina.Maybe I don't enunciate properly because this has happened before.....John's dad always called her Tina...but then again if you have a treat...she'll answer to anything.
well....I have lots of brothers and sisters and many times people would greet me "Hi Martha! blahblah blah...How's Anne?" to which I would respond "She's fine"
I knew they knew what if they got my sister and me mixed up...
I have a friend, who I actually carpooled with back in the day (haha) she has short dark hair, about the same height and weight (I wish...I'm sure I've got at least 20 pounds on her), a son the same age as my daughter Brenna, a daughter the same age as my daughter Megan....and as I said we her children may have been seen exiting from my car. I run into people from time to time who greet me warmly...ask how Colby and Sammy are answer "They're fine Thanks!" (why'll just confuse them...) Incidentally...people think she's me's a small town. We did end up in Publix one time wearing almost the exact same color blue shirt, black skort(me)shorts (her) and black flip flops....first, she ran into an old friend of mine who wondered if I remembered her....Keile said "Anne might remember you" and identified herself. My friend Ellen laughed and then two aisles later Keile ran into me in my matching outfit and we decided to find Ellen in the store and really confuse her by walking up to her together....we all laughed. So...people think I'm her, call me by my sister's name
ask me how my dog Tina is doing and ask about my daughter "Brenda"..."No...that's BRENNA..... I try to set them straight to no I'm going to be in trouble if I ever start start???? losing my memory...I won't know who I am , who my children are or who my dog is....God help me! haha I was thinking about writing this earlier today after the dog incident...haha...decided it was meant to be when I got a sweet note from my nephew tonight thanking us for a birthday gift we sent him......just one little error...hahahaha it said Dear Aunt Ellen(another sister)Uncle John, Brenna and Megan,..............
Please keep this in mind when I'm old and's not my fault!
But don't worry..if you ask..."Everyone's fine"

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