Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We had record low temperatures this morning. They tied a record set in 1937! It was beautiful blue sky, some wind, but not bad...actually a perfect day for a bike ride before work.
We don't have that much cold weather here except last year so I don't have the best selection of cold weather workout/exercise/bike gear. Usually try to get by with a long sleeved t-shirt and shorts...but today required some long (ankle) pants and an extra shirt layered over the long sleeved tee. Basically the "orphan on the loose" look. Combine that with my visor and my hair that is badly in need of a haircut (one more day!)...I sure I was quite a sight!
I brought my camera along because a rocket was set to launch at around 10:42am...and just as I came to the end of the bike path that runs between two neighborhoods...there it was. Now there is a gate at that point for cars entering/exiting the neighborhood...and they don't expect to see any bikes at that time in the morning with the exception of kids skipping school so I always STOP. If the gate is opening or closing...I wait. Naturally today when I was hoping NOT to see anyone, a car load of people was coming out while I was taking pictures of the rocket. They looked at me a little curiously...probably thinking something like..."Who is this goofy person on the bike?" (ankle pants, layered shirts..wild hair...etc)
Once I pointed out the rocket, possible future of our space program...they relaxed a little...haha (click on get a better look)
Look at the sky! Launch went off without a hitch and I enjoyed a little fresh air before all was well...goofy outfit and all!