Friday, December 10, 2010

Ginger Cookie Fun

Yesterday at Storytime we had some ginger(bread) fun. I got inspired and decided to make some cookies for the kids to decorate. I made some Light Ginger Cookie dough and rolled it out and then just made some basic house shapes. I told the kids it was their job to Fix Up these houses!
But first we read a few books...including my favorite new holiday book this year. I love this story and I decided to buy a copy. Initially I bought it intending to donate it to the library...and still might...but I'm kind of liking it.....not sure I want to part with it. I had more boys than girls yesterday...and I don't mean to make generalizations...but it was perfect for a bunch of little boys, (Moms all liked it too). I just love the illustrations and "Captain Cookie" and his crew are great. Check this one out!
"The Gingerbread Pirates" by Kristin Kladstrop illustrated by Matt Tavares.

Also read "Santa Mouse and the Ratdeer" by Thatcher Hurd. It's a cute story about Santa having a bad night...nothing is going well and the reindeer are grouchy too. When the sleigh malfunctions the wind up at Rosie's house...she gives them all cookies and hot chocolate and pretty soon everyone is feeling much better. Very cute...everyone liked this one.
And the illustrations in Nancy Tafuri's "Counting to Christmas" are just beautiful as usual.
And the little girl mixing up her gingerbread went perfectly with the "craft" for the day...decorating the ginger cookie houses.
I gathered up some "building/decorating" supplies.
Here's what our ginger cookie houses looked like...mine was a little crispy...just how I like them!
add a little frosting "paint" then go to town...haha
Pretzel doors, Chex Mix windows and Cheerios and M&M's all around.Don't forget to add the little gingerbread people to go with the house. We all had fun!
**OOps, I almost forgot to include the recipe....
Preheat oven to 400
Mix 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 cup softened butter(or margarine), and 1 TBSP vinegar
together in mixing bowl.
Stir in 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, 1 1/2 - 2 tsp ground ginger, 3/4 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp salt. Mix well....if dough is too dry add milk or cream 1 tsp at a time. Roll out dough to about 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured cloth. (I actually dust wax paper with powdered sugar when I roll out cookie dough ). Use cookie cutters to cut into desired shapes. Place on ungreased cookie sheet, bake until light brown approx 6-8 minutes. Cool slightly, carefully remove from cookie sheet.
Decorate with frosting.

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