Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks for Thanksgiving

My new art.......

Okay so Thanksgiving week and here's what I've done so far.................
Sunday I went to the Eau Gallie Artworks show and I got to buy something! It's handy to have an artist brother who can get you a deal....saved me a few $$$$$ and I have a new piece of art for my room? the TV room??? we'll see.
Monday I was off....my work schedule has been kind of wacky...due to holidays...(last week MOnday-off, Tuesday 11-5, Wednesday-off(no pay furlough day), Thursday-8:30-1:30
Friday off, Sat-9:30-2:30)
This week....I was off Monday, so I had an appointment for a stress relieving massage.........wonderful and I read to my friend's class. I read them:
Whopper Cake-Karma Wilson
The Wolf's Chicken Stew-Keiko Kasza
A Plump and Perky Turkey-Teresa Bateman
The Thanksgiving Door-Atwell
Now...to put it nicely Amy has a rather lively class...and I go read to them at 1:30 pm...finishing up 1/2 hour before the day is over...not exactly the ideal time to read...but I have to tell you.... They loved Whopper Cake! They all sat still and listened and answered my questions about what might happen next. When that story ended...there was a burst of activity...but for the most part they sat and listened and really seemed to enjoy the books...and I felt good when I left. A few told me...."I liked those stories." So I had a good time on my day off.
Today...I worked...it was a longer then usual day...I was HUNGRY when I left...but I had good food at home because.....
I went and bought myself some "leftovers" ...haha
We are going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving...but that means NO leftovers...so I went and bought us some wonderful, delicious turkey breast, gravy and assorted other items...so we would have "leftovers." The cashier...a young girl...said "That's a great idea!" hahahah I went home and immediately ate some of the turkey...it was DELICIOUS!....I want More!...Turkey, rice (no potatoes for me.....:(...., sweet potatoes, Gravy (lots of that!)...etc...is my favorite meal! I froze some and we will be eating it for the next---------------days! I am happy!
Tonight we had some fresh mahi mahi that John and Ben caught.....tomorrow I work again...and then I am off Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Brenna will be home...we are celebrating with family and friends....what's not to like???
I'm ready!

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