Friday, June 11, 2010

the week in review

Remember what the kitchen sink area looked like during demo....'s ALMOST done...John finished the sill and area around the piece fell soon as it gets replaced...and all of it gets grouted...we will be done and ready for paint
sink and sill from another angle
view of counter
and then...remember the Alphabet cards I had in the frame...I had decided I wanted another one...then couldn't FIND one at the local Beall's...everyone they had was marred in some way...I was getting ready to come up with a plan B...when I made another trip this past Tuesday and lo and behold...they hadfinally gotten a new shipment in. I love having one grouping on each side of the window. What do you think???? Can't wait to see how it looks once we get the paint done...which will provide a bit more of a contrast... There is also the valance issue...we are still waiting for J. to bring the version that has a little more "style" to it...arched to match the cabinets

In other news...I gave up digging up the front yard...trying to get rid of all the &*%t was my little BIG project...each day I dug up a patch...usually for about 1/2 hr before I got too hot and dirty to keep going. I think I was making John nervous and guilty...for having me do the dirty work...he called a friend who does landscaping for a quote to have someone a professional come do it...turns out "She's wasting her spray the area with Round UP...wait two weeks, re-apply...wait and re-apply then rake it all up...because then all the roots will be completely dead. " Okay...I kind of knew I was wasting time... but it was a project...haha...but I think I got most of the roots....BUT I do have a long way to go to finish...and spraying sounds good...just a little concerned about the run-off...I'll have to get something to absorb the excess a boom???? perhaps. So the yard project is on hold...probably a good thing since now that we are getting rain on a regular basis...I have to mow 2 times a week to keep the lawn the way I like it. Once I knew I was done digging...I scheduled a trip to our friend who gave me a great deep tissue massage and got rid of the gigantic knot in my shoulder....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Work went well....we had a nice Story Time....a few more kids...still a nice group...and we had a special guest Judge Rhonda Babb read a couple of the stories and answered some questions for the group....some of our old "friends" were's they can come on Thursday was a great day. I had to work in Reference not just once...but TWICE...but no one asked me any computer questions...(Thank God!)only questions about books and requests for holds...which I can handle (with confidence!)Also survived in spite of the fact that my (big) boss has created a monster...remember last year I had pictures of the YS workroom...she told Dianne that it HAD to be cleaned up. Well...flash forward one/two months and clean it is...but NOW...I can't find anything...and if I set something is immediately whisked away. I have always put things away/cleaned up as I go along....but this is ridiculous! Sometimes you need room to spread thing out and figure what you have, what you nedd, etc...Every time Dianne tells me to clean up after myself I bite my tongue...but yesterday.... less than 1/2 hour after our program ended...I was putting away my materials...portable CD player, pile of books, craft supplies...paper buckets, mini shells, glitter, glue etc...counting how many were left so we could figure out if we needed to make more for Dianne's program today (Friday) when the boss walked in.
Her- "Oh no! what's all this????"
me-"Don't worry...this is mine.... from our program...I am working on putting it away. (no mention made that the program had JUST ended!...but you better believe I was thinking IT! haha)
her-"Well...please make sure it needs to stay clean...there are some people that very well could be coming here to check it out"
me (THINKING-" WHO?" -smiling and nodding "I'm working on it."'s my problem...this is OUR workroom...why does it matter if SHE doesn't like the clutter (within reason)...we don't go in her office and tell her how to arrange things. Dianne has 6-9 programs a week...I have mine...and we need to have books, craft supplies ready for these programs...and I NEED to be able to find them once I have gathered them together.... But...what are you going to do....just get annoyed and grin and bear it!
Okay...I am rambling that I've b*&%^#$ about it...I am going to try to forget it...and go with the flow..............Good night!

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