Sunday, June 6, 2010

Signs of Life

It was a longer and colder than usual winter around here... and finally... the plants around my yard and neighborhood are starting to look good again. There are a few of these around...The coconut palms did not like the cold. It seems like everyone who had them in their yard...lost at least one. We are trying to figure out why one tree died...but 6 others survived??(like in my neighbor Ra's yard) or down at Loretta and Gary' made it...the one right next to it did not.
One tree that is in full bloom all around town...that I never noticed this type...with beautiful orange blossoms. Apparently these trees like cold winters and dry up until now springs! My neighbor said this is the first time their tree has bloomed.
the other palms are looking a little greener these days as the brown fronds drop off and new growth comes out

the Poinsettia that looked like it was a goner...has started growing again
my potted palm tree out by the pool wasn't looking to good...more brown than green...and I was wondering if it was going to make it.... life!
and last week one evening there were lots of butterflies around back...never really noticed so many all at the same time before....
there was something good that they were after

So now we are settling back into the routine of hot, humid mornings and thunderstorms in the afternoon. we had a couple of storms last week...Thursday and Friday...that came in fast and loud! The wall of storm clouds rolling in was scary!..I kept listening to the radio thinking maybe I should be looking for passed without incident...just one scared little dog hiding in the closet!and...grass that needs to be mowed!

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