Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Under attack....aaaaack!

Okay...so I wasn't picnicking on the beach...but I have seen sea gulls get very aggressive when it comes to food...and we did watch a few birds eat a group of people's lunches while they were in the water once. In Hawaii...those birds were in the bags...everything...don't think there was much left behind when they were done.
I WAS however walking along A1A...minding my own business when all of the sudden a black bird swooped down right next to my head and squawked at me...The first time it happened was a couple of weeks ago...and when it happened it surprised me...but I almost wasn't sure it really happened...because nothing like that ever happened before....poop maybe...no birds dive bombing me! But yesterday evening it was a whole other story...I was passing Walgreen's...ready to turn onto Paradise Blvd...and squawk right by my face...I jumped a bit ...kept walking and then the $#@! thing did it again! Now...I was getting a little nervous pissed! I wasn't antagonizing it ...did it think it recognized me from another time????...birds (some of them anyway) can memorize your voice and if they feel threatened they will attack...but I wasn't talking...just listening to music...did they hear it and dislike it?????.....haha, not like my hat??...then I thought maybe there was a nest nearby I was not aware of...but I wasn't poking around the bushes or anything. It kind of freaked me out...kept watching the black birds overhead...wondering if it was following me...I even called John and told him if it came back again he was going to have to come "save" me...hahaha When I looked online...from what I read it was most likely a bird protecting it's nest...even if I didn't happen to see a nest...and I did see this humorous video...look it up on Google under "ATTACK BIRD CHRONICLES"...and you will see the bird in the video doing exactly what the one I passed did to me! I am going to have to watch next time I drive by that way to see if it is going after any one else! By the way...today I went around the building...I'm not taking any chances with that crazy bird!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH, this is so funny! I can hear dad now...um what?
