Friday, March 12, 2010

Going, going GONE!

I had the day off today...unfortunately all it did was rain all day long...(almost 4 inches in the last 48 hours)...but the kithchen demo is underway.
After I finished emptying out all the cabinets...last night,,,,John decided he was going to start taking off the cabinet doors, etc...and as these things usually go but then one thing led to another........
and the stove top was out and gone.....
then the oven was gone........
the sink and window sill and backsplash were gone.... John cleans as he goes :)
John...working away
he had help from Mark for the first hour 7 am! to 8 am then Mark was off to another was John for awhile...
then John came back and one thing led to another
he decided he could save the $ our friend would charge for total demolition..and keep damage to the (old) plaster walls to a minimum by doing it himself
the refrigerator icemaker was disconnected and then it was moved into the dining area
and then this is what was left....
the walls were empty....
the other side....
now it's empty and clean (for the most part...clean of thedemo trash anyway)
next week...Mon or Tues...the new cabinets will be in.
One thing about John...when he starts a gets done! and messing around! The electrician stopped by today to work out final details and then the plumber stopped by for a few minutes to help get the dishwasher, etc. out. So the project is well underway and next week we'll start putting things back together. Normally I would have left the area for the day...but the rain kind of limited my bike ride....even Kiena and I barely got a walk the rain...not Kiena's favorite conditions...but it was fun to document the project. More to come.....

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