Monday, March 8, 2010

Calling all Doll Lovers

It took me approximately 3 hours.... 1 1/2 on Saturday and I finished it up this morning...but the display is in!
For the most part I was working on it while the Library was closed...making it much easier to spread everything around...but I finished up this morning and enjoyed the comments as I put the last minute touches on the display.
It's nice to create something that people enjoy....there's no doubt about it...but I had a lot of fun taking everything out and having some place to put it on display. Right away I had a couple of ladies looking and telling me about some of their own favorite dolls and the clothes. One woman told me about a bride doll she had..complete with dress and veil, mink cape, etc. She told me she still has it.... by the way she was older than me! haha
Girls of of Megan's and one of cousin Anna's....I used the beach theme for them...happened to have a "surfboard" wall hanger on hand...perfect size for a doll's surfboard! It's the Melbourne Beach Library after all!
Another Girl of Today...this one in her skating outfit...complete with cast on one foot and her crutches.
Samantha with some of her clothes andher brass bed. Mini Rebecca doll with two mini menorahs...(one from Anna and one of the new ones the goes with Rebecca)
Addy has some of the cutest was a toss up whether to put her in her(my favorite) school dress or something different since she wore the school outfit last time I did the display. I went with her Birthday dress and her fun lunch pail
Molly and Emily
Addy up close..
Kit and her school things

some of Felicity's things...Noah's Ark toy...doll...etc

Kirsten in her special winter coat and scarf...
and lots of cute dresses
Josefina and a few accessories
one end of the display case...Kirsten,and another Girl of Today (Brenna's) in her school jumper, cute boots and little backpack (from Aunt Sandy) and even a little Library Card (from Anna's collection) and Felicity
It was fun to be at the Front Desk and watch people stopping to look at the display. Mostly girls and women...but even some men...and one made a point to give me a thumb's up! I will know every doll lover in town before the 5 weeks are over!

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