Sunday, March 14, 2010

Annual St. Patrick's Day Party

Last night was our neighbor's annual St. Parick's Day party...and this year it was better than ever! It seemed like there were more people there this year than the past few years. Cars lined the sides of the street...making it a little hard to get down the street...but most of the neighbors were at the we didn't care! hahaha
It had rained about 4 inches the two days before the everyone was happy that the clear skies returned...even if it was a little windy! (by the time it was dark...there was not an open spot on the street to park...there were cars everywhere!)
Ra was ready to enjoy the party.
It had been a long week...the Saturday before the party we were all at our neighbor John's funeral (Sat the 6th); then Ra's son Tim and Angela were expecting the birth of their first child. After 3 days in the hospital.. ..induced labor, and various other things "to get things going" Savannah was born Wednesday night. Everyone is doing well and relieved that the baby is finally here! She is a beautiful baby!
On top of it all Ra had to work every it was a busy week. Luckily she had her sister Janice, cousin Monica, and Pilar, Heather, Maggie and a couple other friends and relatives helping. Bill down the street peeled 30 pounds of potatoes, Martha next door mashed them...some of the younger kids set up was a group effort...that's for sure!

It was fun. Janice and the crew decorated the house from top to bottom. Flags out front, shamrocks, leprchauns,and every green thing you could imagine scattered around the inside. Ra said she barely had room to sit and have a cup of coffee the morning before the party!haha The backyard had ballooons and lights and more flags and banners.
The dinner buffett was set up outside on the patio...inside was the dessert table!
It WAS like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! hahaha My favorite...sheet cake from Publix! they have the best buttercream frosting! neighbor M (name withheld to protect the innocent..hahaha) who works at WalMart said even she and many of her coworkers get their cakes from Publix when they have parties...they're the best!

now they have these little mini cakes...perfect size for a few people...I can't wait till the next time I need some's perfect! I loved this little Leprechaun! (notice the picture frame in the background...with a photo of the new baby granddaughter)
Ra's sister Janice...setting out the food...she was quite the organizer! She had everyone keeping things hot and making sure all the platters were full all night long!
All the usual items were on the menu...Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Stew, Colcannon (sp?), Shepherd's Pie, Boiled Potatoes...(Brenna and Megan's favorite) Irish Soda Bread...

The Bagpiper and drummer...they played off and on all night...
there were dancers...mostly kids...but some adults

Ra's daughter, Maggie, her cousin Monica (from Ireland), and another friend Terry, Heather and Pilar.... who helped with many of the preparations
this banner says it all

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