Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The kitchen project continues old kitchen is gonebut where did it all go, you might wonder??????? Here's part of it...
on the table, under the table, around the table....anywhere there's space.....
nobody better try sneaking into my house by way of the back door...or they're likely to lose a toe or something (shin maybe)hahha

the good news is the new cabinets arrived and got put in yesterday

assorted drawers and storage area
trash will be hidden in much nicer than looking at the trash can! (no temptation for Haze when he comes to visit!haha)
oven more rubber bands to hold my cabinet doors closed! haha
kitchen sink area
I now have drawers! much more convenient!
end shelf where my old beat up wooden cabinet was. The shelves are adjustable....however I still have no clue what I'm going to put on them.
As soon as the guys were done...John had the vacuum cleaner plugged in and giving everything a once over...finding all the spots John & Chuck missed.....

And here she is...our newest neighbor....Savannah. She did not come with the new kitchen...but I just wanted to show you her sweet little face.

The next phase will be the counter tops...can't put anything away just yet...because I don't know how much dust will be created when they cut the granite....trying not to think about it....then we will need a new paint color for the walls....cabinets are a creamy (yellow tone) white with red/brown trim...trying to decide what color would work best??? ideas???? Then the backsplash...John has something in least I know I can trust him! So good.
Off to work........Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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