Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rainy Days & American Dolls

It's a rainy Saturday afternoon and I am home watching the Olympics and playing with dolls.....
and doll stuff.....let me explain....
Last week I got a call from the woman who coordinates the monthly display in the lobby display case at the Library. The person scheduled for next month canceled...and I was down as a back up. Would I like to put the American Doll collection back in the case...Would I???? But of course!!!!!
The first time I got to put the dolls and all their things on display was in December 2007. I had a lot of fun putting it together and then watching people enjoying it. Girls, Women , even men commented on how much they enjoyed the display...and I loved it.
Years ago on a visit to Williamsburg I saw an exhibit of all Tasha Tudor's dolls and accessories. It was spectacular...for a doll lover like myself. All sorts of little dioramas of tea parties and celebrations. (Like in her books) You would not believe the accessories...little leather gloves, shoes, hats, coats,,,,food, etc. I spent hours looking at everything and loving every minute of it! when I got the chance to put our doll collection on display...I tried to remember how the museum had set up their display...and I tried my best to do the same on a much smaller scale! It was great to be able to get the dolls out of the bins.....
the mini dolls....
and the big dolls...Brenna's dolls, cousin Anna's doll, Megan's dolls...and one I bought for myself!
and now I get to do it again....create my own little scenes....with assorted foods, furniture and clothing
so I have spent the afternoon ironing little dresses and going through the bins to remind myself what I have to work with and formulate a plan
I called Brenna and Megan to tell them...I was more excited than both of them I think hahahaha But Megan and I did have fun deciding what each of her dolls were going to wear

So...the things are out, ready for me to put them on display next week. I can't wait....I'll take pictures of it when I'm done.