Friday, March 5, 2010


It's funny how rumors get started and take on a life of their of my brothers was recently in the hospital. He thought he had an turned out to be a abscessed cyst that had the potential to be very dangerous...even fatal.
Fortunately the Drs were able to remove it and they've been working on keeping him infection free ever since. The first couple of one (his friends) really was aware of the situation...then the word started getting out...and that's when we started laughing (what else are you going to do?!) about the diagnoses "on the street". The first one was that my brother had a "flesh eating bacteria"...okay...not even close. A couple of days later...(and maybe the time frame was part of the reason for the escalating "problems"...because he was in the hospital for 13 days!) ....the next report was that he had had a cancerous tumor removed and had lost a leg! do people come up with these things!....I don't think any of the people making these "Reports" actually well obviously! went to the hospital to visit my brother...or called to hear what was going on....Oh well... a least it was good for a few laughs.....because he was pretty "sick" and there is always a potential for infection/ the comic relief was good. Now...he's back home...trying his best to take it easy and let his body heal.....which is going to take several months. Everything seems to be going we are happy for that!

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