Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bowling Bash

The anniversary couple and the best man
Who needs a cup?????!!!!'s the day after the bash and I am feeling GREAT! I am sitting here listening to all the music we didn't get to last night and dancing around...we are going to have to have ANOTHER party!
Not everyone got dressed up...but those of us who did had did the others actually.
After the bowling tournament...won by Jessalyn (she beat Arthur in the finals) we had a little dance competition. Jess and Amy were the top dancers...but Heather did pretty well too.

Chris and John danicing to "Eye of the Tiger" Oh Yeah!
I'm not sure what these two are up to. hahaha

The Champion with her prize money and her poster. John had her named spelled for different ways...he finally settled on Jess.

Linda bowling...she bowled really well for someone wearing high heeled sandals..haha

Ben with that good looking smile!
What form....check out my skull "Tatoo"
Heather, Chris, John
table shot

Chris, Heather & John

The anniversary couple

Check out the lighted lanesJohn and Charlie...who was our Best Man
Reid didn't dress we put Chandler's hat on his head to fake it!
SO...when I proposed this party...JOhn thought I was crazy...he was pretty skeptical. He told me I had to make sure to tell people...I think he was embarrassed...hahaha....but then everyone got really excited about it and he changed his tune a little. We had our Wii and borrowed a second one from our we had two "alleys". We started with one group and then when the party was in full swing...we got two lanes going. I made it through the first round,,,but got eliminated by Heather in the second one. Top score was about 180. (Reid and Heather had the top scores I think). Arthur had some fancy moves...behind the back, through his legs...which got the whole crowd cheering...(he had to do something...since he knew he was out...Jess had already won....but his final moves were pretty impressive and he struck out!) Everybody had a lot of fun......I think Wii sales will be increasing this week. BY the way...did you notice how John lost his hair by the end of the night......hahha ENJOY!