Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas final clean up and the dangers of static cling

This week I finally got my tree and ornaments put away. It is a job I really dislike...because I ENJOY the tree being up. I was talking to a friend who told me she takes her tree down on CHRISTMAS DAY! Yikes! I am glad my mom never did that.
She...who will remain anonymous, seemed proud of the fact that her tree was put away by 12:00 noon on Christmas Day...I just think that's depressing. She started at 10:00...I was enjoying coffee by the tree around then....certainly wasn't in a big rush to take things down and put anything away! To me there is nothing sadder than the sight of a Christmas tree on the curb the day after Christmas! let alone Christmas morning!
As you can process starts with taking all the ornaments off and putting them into piles/ the ones that have boxes, need to be wrapped up, etc. I have several once I get them all goes pretty long as no one interrupts me. hahaha
Before the tree(s) came down...I had started taking down decorations on the walls, shelves, etc....working up to the final take down of the tree. Once the tree was in the box...I decided it was time to switch out the potholders, dish clothes, dish towels etc...I did that just this morning.
Imagine my surprise...when I got to the bottom of the pile of Christmas dish towels and found these!...stuck to one of them. I know static cling can be a problem. Real Simple had some hilarious stories last year about various "adventures" with static cling getting attached to clothing without people noticing....but I never had anything stuck to a pile of dish towels before.hahhaha..just glad no one discovered these while we had one of our dinners or New Year's Day party! Ha...that would have been interesting!
I WAS glad to find these undies...because I bought a 3 pack some months back...and noticed that they were disappearing....figured one of the girls might have gotten a pair mixed up with a batch of laundry...or something...I had checked my drawers, the sheets, etc...always a good place to find a stray sock but hadn't had any luck....Now I know why! Ah well...everything, including my undies is now back in place!


  1. Nice panties Anne!! haha!! My tree is still up-so is the Nativity. I'm still enjoying it!!! Everything else is put away. I just love my tree! Will probably take it down this weekend. Hope all is well. Earl moved to Costa Rica Saturday. Keep in touch. xox

  2. My mother has a pair of black lace panties (part of a three pack)POSTED ON HER BLOG....

  3. Hey just be glad no one "found" them New Year's Day! hahaha
