Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekend fun with the family

This past weekend my sister Elizabeth and her children, Ryan and Meredith were in town. They came for a little break from the cold and to visit with the family.Ryan graduates from High School in May and the rest of the school year is going to be busy for them...so this was a chance to take a quick trip to Florida.The main reason for coming was to be able to attend the "Art Show" my brother was participating in. "THREE MAN ARMY". David, Gary Propper (former professional surfer) and another artist, Bruce Reynolds had the showing. Bruce has some fun "robot" like sculptures and I like his artwork too... it's well done.I don't know that I'd hang it over my sofa...but I like it. He's won many awards at various art shows. He's also a nice guy and has a nice wife and great son, Brock.
My brother David with our friend Maurice...he came in town for the show
Meredith (and her Aunt Anne) next to one of David's pieces
before the show started...Elizabeth, Paul, John, Meredith, Ryan, John and I ate across the street at Meg O'Malley's. When we were done it was time to have the siblings pose for pictures and then head over to the art show.
(Aunt) Bridget and Meredith sitting in the back and watching the crowd. It was interesting!! We had lots of laughs!
Meredith and Uncle David....who kept us all entertained all weekend with his stories complete with crazy faces and sound effects
"Mo" and Ryan
Meredith and Uncle Paul checking things out
Ryan, Meredith and Bridget listening to our friend Todd Parker talking about his travels in 2009. He has been all over the world...and always has great stories to tell.
Elizabeth and Anne laughing about a guy who turned up at the show,,,the same guy Elizabeth met at the Blueberry Muffin LAST time she was in town, hahahaha
the gang...taken by Bridget...Liz, Paul, Meredith, Anne, Ryan, David.
I think every picture we took that night/weekend has me with that big smile on my face. We had a lot of laughs....there were a lot of characters at the show. David always has funny stories to tell and we just had a good time. We had dinner at our house one night, we all went out to dinner Sunday night....including Mark before he left to watch the end of the Jets/Chargers game and we celebrated Meredith's birthday early...a good excuse for a cake from Publix bakery!
David's getting ready for another show this weekend. It's a big one in a 18000 sq ft space....some great ,crazy...some creepy stuff.....we got a preview last night...while they were getting set up. I may have to go just to see if I can match the artists to the artwork...there was all kinds of crazy stuff as well as just "regular" material. It looks like it will be a fun time...bands, fashion shows, art and plenty of room for people. This is the second year of the "Robot Love" show....last year it was a big success....so they found a bigger space and hope to make it even better this year. Too bad Liz and the kids had to go home....we would've had even more fun!

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