Saturday, January 9, 2010

global warming

It's cold here.... we've pretty much had record cold temperatures all this week.
Right now there are a lot of "snowbirds" seasonal residents in town from the Northeast, Northwest and Canada and they probably aren't too happy! hahaha There was even a possibility of SNOW or wintry mix moisture this morning and even this afternoon as I sit here typing. I feel badly for the people who were hoping for a trip to warm, sunny Florida! Not this year...not right now anyway. This is the coldest it's been in about 10 years or so.....and if I hear one more person Republican??? I'm just saying.... tell me that Al Gore is a quack....I am going to lose my cool. Global warming is a SLOW process...the temperature is going up about 1 degree every's not something that is going to happen overnight! There are subtle changes happening all the time and they are contributing to CLIMATE CHANGE...Not necessarily making our temperature rise day to day....rather causing things like more intense storm activity, droughts and beach erosion in coastal areas as sea levels rise. (There are pictures from taken from space showing holes in the ozone layer ) I'm not an expert...Google it and find out more yourself. And as for Al Gore..... he may not be right 100% of the time.(I don't know anyone who is!)....but at least he's TRYING to get people to make changes while we can...not wait until it's too late!

Now that I've gotten that off my chest you know me...I have to say what I think...but be assured...I think it through first! I hope everyone STAYS WARM and Cosy. Remember those folks that are sleeping in shelters tonight or trying to figure out how to keep themselves warm. I HAVE jackets and clothing to keep warm..but not everyone does. I like the cold...but do feel badly that others may be suffering...and for the farmers who are worried about their crops.... for them I hope the warm weather returns soon!


  1. Well put Anne!!! I agree 100%-some people are just ignorant!!

    Thanks for the photos!


  2. I have one smart Momma! Some times I feel like it is harded to be ignorant then it is to look at science and facts!
