Friday, December 11, 2009

Gators, Crimson Tide..and Auburn Angel?????...let me explain anyone who doesn't know case there is anyone you may be wondering how I could possibly go from being one of the Gator fans in this group

to wearing the Alabama gear in this photo actually...I do look better in crimson and black...if I do say so myself..hahaha with the exception of my hair which I DID NOT comb before this was taken...hahaha the next photos should explain
While neither John nor I went to Alabama.......Brenna did! and as a result.......enough of our $$$$ went there to qualify us as fans!

However if you were to spot this ornamment on my might wonder how IT got on there.
No...we are not Auburn a matter of fact back in the day (my days at UF)...some of the best games were when we played Auburn...because we could actually BEAT them! (Forget about trying to beat Georgia and Alabama!)Now you will note that they have the same team I could pretend like it's a Gator related ornament in disguise...but that's not why I have it. Actually...I got it on a trip to Auburn in March 2002, for my nephew's wedding. Justin and Darby both went to did several of my other nieces and nephews from Alabama. Darby had arranged for someone to give us a tour of the campus during the weekend...(I think her sister ended up giving us the tour)and one stop was to the Bookstore. I like to have souvenirs from places I have been...and in spite of many trips to Dothan over the years...I didn't really have anything a peanut perhaps to represent I couldn't pass up the cotton boll Auburn angel...who just happened to be on clearance (since it was March)to remember not only our trip to Auburn, but our many trips to Alabama and especially Justin and Darby's wedding...and the fact that she has a little orange and blue on her...made the decision an easy one! haha

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